Saturday, April 9, 2011

This is cool but totally irrelevant

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Sheer Boredom

I've spent there days back home, shivering in front of the wood fire and I've realised that I hate not having anything to do. I've spent the majority of my tragic afternoon on the Internet and have come across a few images of inspiration to try and pull me out of my doldrums. 

Miles Aldridge has officially brightened my day.

Aarggh I can't believe how happy this has made me

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

End of the Road

Phoebe St Clair - like the logo?

Studio is due tomorow morning at 9am and I'm feeling suprisingly relaxed. Everything is done except a few photos of my swimsuit and i feel as though i have put in my heart and soul into this assignment. 

A few months ago I wrote a blog about how i was going to go through the rest of the semester focusing on my love for fashion and not just good grades.  Its interesting that passion has proved to be a stronger motivator for me.  I redid things because i wanted to have something beautiful and wanted to be satisfied that each illustration, each technical drawing and each stitch line was a reflection of who i am as a designer.   

 This has been the most enjoyable semester of studio i have had so far in my degree. I have been challenged, stressed but my passion for fashion has been fully revived.  Now I just can't wait to see my garment walking down a runway!

I will continue to use this blog to document my fashion and life reflections and I hope you stay with my on my journey.

love Phoebe

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

1 am

2 days till studio assignment is due
... its 1.30am ....death cab for cutie quietly blaring in the background ...eyes glazed over
Being the masichist I am i redid all my capsule collection illustrations... and i am so happy i did
so without further ado, here are my new and improved illustrations!



love Phoebe

Monday, May 31, 2010


I've spent all day in the studios, have unpicked my swimsuit several times but now have something that is a few stiches and unpicks aways from being a swimsuit.  I'm pretty stoked about the outcome,of course there are a few things that i should have done differently but meh thats life.
Here are some photos:

Also after speaking to Dean today i thought i'd play around with the opacity of the bird on my illustration so heres what i ended up with ... is this better?... yes .. no?

. ok so tonights plan, start business assignment. and maybe do techs of capsule...
the deadline is fast approaching.
love Phoebe

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Final Week Drama

So yesterday, after advice from a very good friend, i downloaded trials of both photoshop and illustrator.  I've found that my creativity comes usually when i'm by myself , and also if i don't have a time limit, so downloading these programs at home is potentially the best thing i have done for myself for this assignment!

Bad news is...
Studio work is due in 4 days.
this sounds a lot worse written down actually..

good news is ...
after sitting on my computer 'fiddling' for the last 5 hours i'm finally coming to the end of my illustration! I think. Acutually who would know? I've been lookg and 'playing' around with this thing for going on three weeks now and i'm about to go crazy
anyway here it is so far.. would love some feedback, it all kinda of looks like a blur at the moment to me

 Ok so illustration almost done, capsule collection illustrations done, only A LOT more to do
you will be hearing from me every night this week so be prepared for a lot of venting.

Oh and hears a little music I've been listening to, dramatic yes, i feel it has set the mood  and help inspire me for my illustration.

love Phoebe

Thursday, May 27, 2010


I've been trying to source different silks for my collection.  These are the ones i've found and will use within my capsule collection:

I've incorporated some 'stocking' tops in my collection too, heres an image to give you an idea what it will look like:

Also, i've decided to incorporate a print within my collection, after sorting through heaps of Aboriginal artworks i decided that this print would be best for the collection.  It will be printed on silk habatue and will be used for the linings of the garments as well as some of the pieces.  Heres a fabulous website full of amazing aboriginal artworks, where I found the piece below.

The Print

Collaboration with Aboriginal Artist Jeannie Petyarre
Adaptation of ‘Bush Yam Dreaming’

love Phoebe