Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Sheer Boredom

I've spent there days back home, shivering in front of the wood fire and I've realised that I hate not having anything to do. I've spent the majority of my tragic afternoon on the Internet and have come across a few images of inspiration to try and pull me out of my doldrums. 

Miles Aldridge has officially brightened my day.

Aarggh I can't believe how happy this has made me

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

End of the Road

Phoebe St Clair - like the logo?

Studio is due tomorow morning at 9am and I'm feeling suprisingly relaxed. Everything is done except a few photos of my swimsuit and i feel as though i have put in my heart and soul into this assignment. 

A few months ago I wrote a blog about how i was going to go through the rest of the semester focusing on my love for fashion and not just good grades.  Its interesting that passion has proved to be a stronger motivator for me.  I redid things because i wanted to have something beautiful and wanted to be satisfied that each illustration, each technical drawing and each stitch line was a reflection of who i am as a designer.   

 This has been the most enjoyable semester of studio i have had so far in my degree. I have been challenged, stressed but my passion for fashion has been fully revived.  Now I just can't wait to see my garment walking down a runway!

I will continue to use this blog to document my fashion and life reflections and I hope you stay with my on my journey.

love Phoebe

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

1 am

2 days till studio assignment is due
... its 1.30am ....death cab for cutie quietly blaring in the background ...eyes glazed over
Being the masichist I am i redid all my capsule collection illustrations... and i am so happy i did
so without further ado, here are my new and improved illustrations!



love Phoebe